Many thanks
to the good folk at

for permission to use graphics from their software and toposheets

20 September 2007

In the Steps of Jack Leigh

Chapter 3: Grey Lynn, Western Springs

page 8

Back with the shaved lawns and bird poop.

Here's a handsome fellow.

Our path takes us up to the Auckland Zoo boundary. In my youth, you could access the zoo from a number of gates. These days it's all centralised on one gate and one souvenir shop.

A drinking fountain of a traditional kind.

and here's the gas barbecue, its button somewhat faded now from its original fresh vermillion.

Such a device is of course dangerous in small hands, and a fence has been erected around it with a gate requiring mature skill to open.

Acrosds the way is a children's playground of approved form

and a toilet that in its time was a pioneer design. Still seems to be working well, though other modern toilets around the city have proven no more vandal-proof or hygienic than ever they were.

A solitary woodland anenome lightens the dark green of the gardens as we head out towards Motions Rd

A pile of pruning and other mulch waits to be spread around the gardens

Here we are at the zoo carpark and a far more likely, and appealing, spot for a picnic table.

We continue out towards Motions Rd and the tramline.

I note that there appear to be two gauges of rail track catered for.



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In the Steps of Jack Leigh


Fitness Building for the Elderly and Stout

Food for Tramping

General Advice:
Specifically oriented to the Heaphy Track but relevant to other long walks for beginners and older walkers

New Zealand Plants
(an ongoing project)

Links to Tramping Resource Websites
